Hi, I'm Jazzzy.

College Student, Part-Time Chef, and a Coding Enthusiast


Some services

Elevate your FiveM Server with

my professional service.

  • Experience a high-performance server setup that ensures smooth gameplay and reduced lag.
  • Tailor your FiveM server to your specific needs with a wide range of customization options.
  • Receive dedicated support, I can assist you with any server-related issues or inquiries.
  • Seamlessly integrate mods and plugins into your FiveM server.

Launch your VPS server with

my swift setup solution.

  • Enjoy the ability to launch your VPS server instantly, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Customize your VPS server by allocating resources according to your specific needs.
  • Transfer your existing applications, websites, and data seamlessly to your new server.
  • Benefit from transparent pricing and no hidden costs.

Upgrade your server with

a customizable Bot

  • Customize your bot by specifying its features and functionalities.
  • Benefit from transparent pricing with no hidden costs. You'll know exactly what you're paying for.
  • Enjoy automatic updates for your bot, ensuring it stays up-to-date with the latest Discord API.
  • Integrate your bot with external services, such as databases or APIs.

Thank you to my sponsers!

Our sponsers help us grow and contnue our services!

Some Skills


Bought something from me?

Login with your Discord account to access your Portal!

Some Projects

Image 1
FiveM / RedM RP Website

Packed with a whole front page, a discord O2auth login and ban appeal section.

Programming Languages:

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KevlarX Discord Bot Website

This website comes with a appeal section, dashboard & a partner section.

Programming Languages:

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Apex Dispatch DMV

A custom DMV that allows you to manage and create characters / cars.

Programming Languages:

Image 4
Simple Landing Screen

Simple website landing screen, used for a discord bot, but can be used for anything.

Programming Languages:

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Apple Scam Redesign

Saw a apple scam site, redesigned it using HTML 5 and CSS

Programming Languages:

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Hosting Website Login Screen

Pretty basic login website for a hosting company (i dont own the background image)

Programming Languages:

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Hosting Website V1

Simple hosting website made with bootstrap and custom CSS

Programming Languages:

Image 6
Hosting Website V2

Expandable hosting website using custom CSS

Programming Languages:

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Bio Link

Website for showing off your other social medias (Bio site)

Programming Languages:

Image 4
Bio Link Website

A website for allowing users to create there own bio links

Programming Languages:

Image 5

We Provide professional IT solutions for businesses and individuals.

Programming Languages:

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HostFusion Website Example

WHMCS Website Template using bootstrap & custom html,css,js & php

Programming Languages:

Image 1
LividRust Website Example

Rust Website with Discord O2auth & Battlemetrics API

Programming Languages:

Image 1
Update Bytenetworks Homepage

We Provide professional IT solutions for businesses and individuals. (they do not own rights to the code - they stole it.)

Programming Languages:


A new project! 🚀

Welcome my new FiveM (or really any game) landing page for your server. Fully responsive & customizable with a help.txt document.

Upgrade to Premium for £5.99:

Free website domain & hosting, customized to your liking.

undraw.co!!! :)

Welcome to my Portfolio!

The chart on the right shows my portfolio views, from this week, but you can sort by Monthly and Yearly using the buttons below!

Trusted By

🚧 This is under construction 🚧

"Unfortunately, when I deleted my old Discord account, all my Discord CDN images were deleted. Please note, I'm working to fix all the images and update them, but for now, they will be removed." - Jazzzy

For now, heres some of my most recent experiences.

D1G1TAL Gaming

Role: Founder / Developers

Duration: January 2021 - 2023


Role: Senior Moderator

Duration: 2023 - 2023


Role: Senior Developer

Duration: 2023 - Present


Role: Management / Developer

Duration: 2023 - Present


Role: Developer / Mitigation

Duration: 2024 - 2024

Stole my code so i left. Never wanted to address it so here:

> Full Story! <
Livid Rust

Role: Website Developer

Duration: 2024 - Present

Oxygen Events

Role: Website Developer

Duration: 2024 - Present


Role: Developer

Duration: 2024 - 2024 (Closed)


Role: Developer

Duration: 2024 - Present